My journey as a self-taught programmer

I started my programming journey on Feb 2, 2022. I decided to be consistent. The strike was a blessing to me because I could now concentrate fully on programming.

I started learning python using an app called Mimo. I was introduced to python during a CSC201 class. I fell in love with the language so when got a laptop I continued with it. I watched a 6 hours video on introduction to python on the codewithmosh YouTube channel. After watching the video I wanted to learn more about python then I decided to purchase his paid course with a coupon. I was a student and couldn't even afford to buy the course, I wasn't even thinking of udemy at that time, I have never used it and never tried using it. When I couldn't purchase the course, I did a challenge codewithmosh provided on the video description. I was able to awaken the programmer in me by googling for solutions.

I came home like every student after the strike commenced. I didn't know how to convince my parents to invest in programming. So I prayed and told God to give me the wisdom to convince them. After which I explained to them and they started telling me stories of their friends that their children are into programming. They saw it as a good investment as my future in education isn't promising due to the situation in the country. I was immediately given the money to purchase the course and buy data for my videos.

When I was in school I didn't have a problem with data because I bought a wifi space at school at a cheaper price so I have unlimited use for it.

Back to my story, I started the introduction to programming course, I would wake up early to code to avoid having to run errands in between coding. I was making progress for a few weeks until the light in my community was no longer consistent. I couldn't code as much as I could. So what I did was I would charge my laptop once we put on the generator at night. My laptop can last me up to 3 hours once It shuts down I will wait till another day. I redesigned my timetable so that I could accomplish what was in there in three hours. To preserve my laptop battery, I would first code on a sheet of paper and then transfer the code to my laptop. I did all these so that the time brainstorming doesn't lower the power on the laptop.

I moved on to the python crash course by Eric Matthes and it was awesome having to learn through a book resource and a different person. Adjusting to a new learning style is a good practice. You get to learn what they are strongest at and what the other tutor couldn't explain well. The book made it easier by giving challenges at the end of each section.

I had to look for ways to handle these challenges and I conquered them.

After learning python, the course introduced me to machine learning and Django for backend development. After a series of research, I realized backend development would be a good choice for me. But before learning Django, I had worked on python projects and did a full course on Data Structures and Algorithms by amulya's Academy on youtube. I also went ahead to learn MySQL. I did some beginner-friendly challenges on Hackerrank. Then I moved on to purchasing a course on Django with a coupon.

Without this coupon, I wouldn't have been able to purchase the course because of my pocket.

It took me a while to understand backend development. I had watched videos explaining it but I never understood it. The frontend was easier to understand because we as the users interact with it often. When I started working with database and URL patterns I was able to understand how the client interacts with the server.

I struggled for 2 months before I decided to quit watching videos and work on projects. I got stuck severally but figuring it out myself makes me grab each concept more. I went on Youtube and I realized that the paid course did not fully introduce me to everything I needed to know on Django before moving to class-based views and Django Rest Framework.

The video started as a project to build the API for an online store. Part 2 and Part 3 of the video were advanced and comprehensive. I rewatched part 1 of the video and tried to do things by myself. Dennis Ivy's videos helped with the beginner's concept.

Recently, I registered for a 30-day of code on SCA and so far the mentorship has been amazing. I was able to ask questions and the resources shared were awesome. I had access to a website I could download free books on programming and so far I have been making progress.

Combining backend and frontend development is a difficult process but one has to be determined. I would be majoring in backend development but I also love to create beautiful designs for my website.

To those already on this journey, get motivation by reading people's stories. Also, share your stories on Linked In and connect with other programmers. LinkedIn has been of great help to me whenever I lack motivation.

To those wanting to begin this journey ask yourself this question. Am I currently happy with what I do? Do I like my financial situation? Where do I want to be in 5 years? Would my future self be happy I took this decision years back? Do I love designing or programming stuff and seeing my code do the job?

If you are able, be honest with your response. Congratulations you already took the first step.